Thursday, 9 April 2015

FB3X Drabblerotic A to Z 2015 - H is for Hot Pink - (fiction)

This post contains adult themes.
Fantasy Boys XXX is joining in the The Blogging From A to Z April Challenge with Drabblerotic 2014

where will be posting a drabble* every weekday and Saturday in April brought to you by the letters A-Z, although this isn't Sesame Street, so expect a little adult spice in our alphabet soup. ;) Our theme this year is colour.

PLUS - if you'd like to add your own drabble, then please do, just put it in the comments, or post on your own blog and link in to the list at the bottom of the post :).

*'So, what is a drabble anyway?' we hear some of you ask. And the answer is, a drabble is a piece of prose of (exactly) 100 words. 

So, without further ado, onto today's drabble...



H is for Hot Pink

Author's Note

This colour made me think of the birds of paradise, and that led to what's below.

Mating Display

by Sophie Duncan

When his brown juvenile feathers had begun to fall out, being replaced with his adult display ones, Rix had been shocked: dark blue was fine, a regal colour with a noble iridescence, but bright, almost luminous pink had left him reeling. The first pink feather to come through had been  tiny and at the base of his neck, just below his human hairline. He had pulled it out. It had not stopped more appearing, some of his flight feathers even!

Rix had hidden, ashamed. That was, until he’d sensed the enrapt attention of the handsome stranger focused on his brilliant plumage.


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If you like drabbles, reading or writing them, come over and join us in our Drabble Cascades.

And if you like Drabblerotic, here are all the drabbles (join in - any genre, doesn't have to be erotica - and add your own link below):
Drabblerotic Links

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