Tuesday, 7 October 2014

FB3X Drabble Cascade #81 - word of the week is 'staple' (a chance to test and share your writing skills)

Fantasy Boys XXX Drabble Cascade

Welcome to FB3X Drabble Cascade #81 - This week's word of the week is 'staple'.

Suitable for all.
The Way A Cascade Works

it's really very simple, be inspired by our word of the week and just write :).

To see this week's entries check out the list at the bottom of this post. We put it behind a cut so it doesn't clog up your scrolling.

A drabble is a work of 100 words exactly. Flash fiction is a work of up to 500 words. Both may be submitted to the cascade. So What Can You Write? The simple answer is - anything! Our work here on FB3X will be erotically themed. but feel free to take the inspiration any way you want to, fiction, fanfiction, non-fiction, meta, since variety is the spice of life!

To those struck by inspiration (and no you don't have to be a professional writer to join in, anyone can embrace their inner author):
  • Below you will find a chance to join in the cascade in the form of a linked list
    • Write a drabble/flash fiction inspired by the word of the week.
    • Post the fiction to your own blog, social media, or website 
    • Then insert a link into the linked list to that drabble/flash fiction for everyone to find (A hint of the genre of your drabble/flash fiction in the title of your post would be appreciated.), e.g. A Little Bit of Fun (PG, Science Fiction)
    • To encourage your friends to join in and hence cascade the fun, you can also add the list into your own post by copying the code.
  • OR you can just write us something in the comments :)
For folks who enjoy reading drabbles/flash fiction: you can then peruse the cascade to your heart's content :).

AND NOW - on to the fiction :)

Contains adult themes,
or language
 Mating Cry (PG13, m/m, Fantasy)
by Sophie Duncan

Author's Note
When I read staple, I just got this image in my head...


Jeremy had been stapling a notice to the tearoom wall when he’d heard the screech that had made every cell of his body come alive. Things had gone hazy and he had found himself in much the same position as the notice had been, only muscular claws pinned him to rock and a sleek, scaled torso flexed inches from his office tie.

He breathed in scents of sulphur and desire, staring into powerful yellow eyes as previously unknown instincts screamed ‘dragon’ and ‘mate’.

“Not what I expected,” a voice echoed in his mind.

Jeremy didn’t care. This dragon was his.


Suitable for all.
 Holding it Together (PG, gen, Fantasy)
by Natasha Duncan-Drake

Author's Note
I'm really not sure where this one came from, but it just happened, so I hope you like it.

"That looks like a giant staple," Rex said.

"It's a wand," John hissed and elbowed him in the side as the tour guide said: "This holds the castle's magic together."

"It is a giant staple," Rex decided as the party began to move off.

That wasn't saying he could look away. There was something about it floating there in mid air that had him captivated.

"What are you doing?" John asked as Rex stepped forward.

"I don't know," he replied, but held out his hand anyway.

As his fingers closed around its centre it felt like he was coming home.


get the InLinkz code


  1. Not sure which one I like best. Dragon with stapling or magic staple. Decisions, decisions.

    1. LOL! - magic, dragons and staples, you don't have to choose ;D

    2. Glad you enjoyed them both - thanks for reading. I usually find that dragons trump most things ;)

  2. Both stories are my kind of weird. Love the leftfield thinking. For me the dragon one tops it though.

    1. Dragons beat everything else - it's a rule ;) Thanks so much for reading.

  3. Both of these make me want more of their stories. There needs to be more.

    1. I'm on a deadline for a halloween short story, otherwise I'd give you more dragons :)

    2. Like what Soph said :) ... except not with the dragons ...
